Double frequency scattering section and power broadening of laser pulse scattering from dielectric film 脉冲激光入射下介质薄膜双频互相关散射截面及功率展宽
The important result of calculation is as follows: when the exciting laser power is large enough, due to the power broadening effect, a narrow-band laser can excite a two-level atom with a hyperfine structure effectively. 研究结果表明,当激光功率达到一定水平后,由于功率加宽的作用,单频激光也能将有超精细分裂能级的原子有效地激发。
Power broadening of photoemission spectra in strong field autoionization 强场自电离中自发辐射谱的功率增宽
With the development of power industry, the constant broadening of the power network scope and the steady increase of complexity of network configuration, the traditionary video monitor system has been challenged. 随着电力工业的不断发展,电力网络规模不断扩大,网络结构的复杂性与日俱增,传统的视频监控系统面临着新的挑战。
In the mean time, the malfunction of protection caused by the oscillation of the power system during the broadening time of post-accelerating protection can also be prevented by checking whether the zero-sequence or negative-sequence current is heavier than the maximal unbalanced output current when the circuitry works well. 此外,根据零序或负序电流是否大于线路无故障运行时最大不平衡输出,防止此后在后加速保护展宽的时间内因系统振荡而引起的保护误动。
The configuration and principle of the system to measure the pulse width and the power time history of a multiplex beam laser are introduced, and the mathematic analyses of the probable nonlinear effect and pulse broadening are also given. 介绍了一种多路激光束的脉宽和功率变化测量系统的构成和工作原理,并给出了系统可能出现的非线性效应和脉冲展宽的数值分析。
Some techniques are used in the instrumentation of the measurements to preserve the turbulent power spectrum and to minimize the effect oi frequency bandwidth broadening. 为了保持湍流的功率谱以及减小频带加宽,在测量仪器方面使用了某些技术。
Finally, the paper proposes the countermeasures against tourism planning failure by constructing tourism planning ethics, perfecting tourism planning market, strengthening government leading power, establishing legal position of tourism planning, and broadening involvement of local communities. 最后,提出旅游规划失灵的克服要在旅游规划伦理建设,旅游规划市场机制完善,政府主导力度加强,旅游规划法制地位确立,当地社会的广泛参与上下大功夫。
When the pulse power is below it, there is no spectral broadening. And the critical power, which is mainly determined by the medium, is inverse proportion to n_2 of the medium. 这一功率阈值主要由介质性质决定,与介质非线性折射率n2成反比关系。光谱展宽量随入射脉冲宽度的减小而增加,在纳秒范围内变化较为缓慢。
At the same pump level, using high-concentration Yb-doped fiber would improve the output power greatly, but the pulse shape was distorted. Spectral broadening due to self-phase modulation. 在同样的泵浦功率下,利用高掺杂浓度的掺镱光纤有利于增加放大输出功率,但输出脉冲形状的畸变现象加剧;脉冲放大过程中因自相位调制会引起频谱展宽。
At a given pump power whose gain parameter is in the small signal regime, the time delay and pulse broadening factor increase with the increasing gain coefficient, whereas decrease with the increasing gain bandwidth and effective mode area. 2. 在固定泵浦功率并保证增益参数在小信号条件下,时间延迟和脉冲展宽因子均随着增益系数的增加而增加,随着增益带宽和有效截面积的增加而减少。